How to Pass Exams like a Boss – 8 tricks to remember

Congratulations to all those who cleared the CA final exam in May 2017 attempt and all the best to all those who are going to try again in future. Trust me, it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is alright to fail the final exam as long as you are not losing all of your hope to become a Chartered Accountant. There should be no shame when you accept that you failed in the final exam of CA. There are many who clear at first. But the number of people who fail several times before clearing the final CA exam is more. So, here are 8 tricks to remember when you are going for CA exam and how to pass the exam like a boss. All you have to do is, overcome your fear and start being positive and getting all set to crack the final CA exam.


See, there is a thing that we all know. You cannot run away from yourself in any way. And that means that even if you lie to everyone about the reasons behind failing the exams, you just cannot lie to your own self in any way. You can blame all the things in the world but you know the exact reason always. So, instead of blaming others for the reason that you failed in the exam, get up and act like a smart person. Analyze the mistakes that you made in the previous exam. The reasons can be endless like maybe you did not attempt certain parts or did not pay enough attention to a section. You just have to identify the reason and learn from it so that you don’t repeat the mistakes again. Repeating mistakes is not a good sign. You don’t want to cut your feet again by the same axe, right?


Before starting preparing for the final CA exams, you must do a SWOT analysis of the subjects for yourself. Some people are good at practical subjects while there are some who are good at theoretical subjects. That is the reason you must know your strengths and weaknesses so that you work accordingly when you are preparing for the final exams. The reason for this is that you will have to focus and practice hard on the subjects that you are weak at. Plus, you have to understand your mind and the body so that you do not push yourself too much and hold onto what you studied.


There is a famous saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. When you are preparing for the final CA exam, this saying applies perfectly. You really need to plan the preparation strategy wisely so that you do not muddle up things and end up being frustrated and confused. You have to decide how much time you will allot to which topics and how much time will you devote to a particular subject and the time for revision needs to be considered too. Keep measuring your progress regularly and you will feel confident as you progress.


Negative people or negative environment is never good for any situation and it is the same for the time when you are preparing for the most important exam of your life. It is really important for you to control your mind and take care of your mental health while preparing for the exams. The world is full of people who can’t see you grow and would bring back all your failures. All you have to do is – just avoid them. You don’t need such negativity in your life, people will say things like CA is the toughest exam and it’s almost impossible to pass it but it is important for you stay inspired. Meet people who have cleared the exam because that is what your goal is and it will inspire you to get there. Be positive and stay around people and surroundings that make you feel good.


There is a common reason for most of the candidates failing, and that is that they forget to revise. There should be a proper time allotted to the subjects for their revision so that you don’t miss onto the topics you studied in the beginning but have forgotten the details. Revise the subjects properly in a smart way rather than remembering every word. Revise at least three times so that you are confident enough in a particular subject. Plan the preparations and the revision time and never miss out the things that can change the result.


There are some students who don’t solve the mock test papers and RTPs and they don’t even try to. Mock test papers help you in analyzing what your progress is and how much time you will take to solve the exam. When you solve most of the questions of a mock test paper, you get confident that you can solve the questions. Solve it by timing it properly. Don’t wait for the last day because that will pressurize you unnecessarily.


See, you need to keep calm because nervousness is never good. A little bit of nervousness or anxiety is fine but if the level of anxiety reaches a peak level, then you are in trouble. It doesn’t let you concentrate properly and you start forgetting things that you spent days revising. If you know that you will pass the exam, nervousness won’t be heavy on you and you will be fine while giving the exam.


The reason behind the failure, sometimes, is lack of sleep. Inadequate sleep makes you to lose concentration and you might feel drowsy and mess up. Take proper sleep between exams because you don’t want to miss the questions that you know the answers to and later regret over it.
We hope these tips help you ace your exams. All the best and happy studying to you! ?


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